Earthquakes in divers places
Geologist & Seismologists have for years have published their predictions about the eventual “big one “ occurring somewhere along the San Andréas fault in California or more recently the New Madrid Fault zone which lies more central in the United States in south Illinois and Missouri. ‘If’ has not been the question, but ‘when’ being much more non-definitive and open to speculation.
We may experience the “Big One” much sooner then later if what some well-known Christian prophets have spoken by the spirit comes to pass. Though many prophets have prophesied about a west coast earthquake, these three spoke of one occurring in Japan that would precede one occurring here
“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”
Amos 3:7
1st, David Wilkerson, pastor of The Vision - David Wilkerson
It will cause widespread panic and fear. Without a doubt, it will become one of the most completely reported earthquakes ever. Television networks will suspend all programming and carry all-day coverage.
Another earthquake, possibly in
Without a doubt, earthquakes are going to strike the
The earth is actually going to shake, and there will be numerous other earthquakes in various places throughout the world. This is one kind of judgment that cannot be explained by the scientists. It is supernatural intervention into the affairs of men. It is an act of God causing havoc and judgment, calling men to repentance and reverence. It can strike at any time, and there is no way to deter it. Men will just have to stand back in awe and terror as the power of God is demonstrated in the earthquake.
2nd Bob Jones, he also referenced that after a major earthquake in Japan , there would be a great worldwide economic crisis then a major earthquake on the west coast of the US
12-31-97 at MorningStar, [Charlotte , North Carolina ,] New Years Eve
Prophetic Conference with Bob Jones, Jim Bakker and Rick Joyner
Transcribed from a cassette recording by Judy Curmi
Bob saw two mighty angels. One was holding the "San Diego plate" and the other, the New Madrid Fault Line. When each cup is full the angel will turn loose and the quakes will happen. They will be SUDDEN.
When Mammoth Lakes quakes/erupts Hoover Dam will burst. Water flumes, including those to Southern California , will break apart. 25,000,000 people in the Southwest will be affected and without water. LACK OF WATER WILL BE THE MAIN DANGER IN CALIFORNIA .
Death Valley will become a great Inland Sea .
In the California quake Bob saw the ground quake for FIVE minutes. The ground liquefied and complete houses and buildings sank into the ground just as if they were in quicksand.
The San Fernando Valley – seat of pornography- won’t rise again.
Due to the eruptions/earthquake a plate will separate. The Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California) to The Los Angeles River will separate from the continental USA . What is left of Baja California and Southern California east of the breaking/sliding continental plate will be an island or series of islands.
The cup is nearly full for California . [12-31-97] Expect quakes, terrorist bombs and virus’s. Get into your prayer closet!
There will be an enormous earthquake somewhere along the New Madrid Fault line. A mighty angel has been holding this fault line together also.
Six great cities will be destroyed. Among them are Chicago , Morgan City , St. Louis and Memphis . Memphis will become a lake. The Mississippi River will be 35 miles wide when it is all over. The shaking will be felt all the way to Charlotte , North Carolina . Water from the Great Lakes will flow south into the Mississippi River and then into the Gulf of Mexico .
*Our economy will be destroyed when a huge earthquake hits Tokyo and the Japanese pull their money out of the U.S. stock market. [Author’s note: Prophet Catherine Browne of Scotland had a vision some years ago of a horrific eruption of Mt. Fuji , which caused massive destruction in Tokyo and worldwide mourning.]
*This nation will repent when our cities are leveled.
*Some Midwest cities are going to experience 5 feet of rain in 2-3 days.
*There will be a Third World War
*There will be signs in the sun and the earth will change. See Gen. 10:25.
*These are very sober times, but be of good cheer. Get your eyes off the gifts and onto the giver of the gifts, the Creator. Get to know the Lord as a wife knows her husband. If there is trouble in your marriage, fix it! Put on Christ!
3rd Kim Clement prophesied the Earthquake in a Japan and a coming earthquake to California
Excerpt from a word prophesied by Kim Clement on July 8, 2006 from Hollywood California
"For there shall be an earthquake in California," but God said, "It shall be of a magnitude that they shall say, 'It is one of the highest ever,' and they shall say, 'How is it that men were not killed and why is it that so many lives were spared?' It shall be My sign," says the Lord.
"For out of the earth and because of this earthquake, there shall come something that shall bring a new energy and it shall start in California , and California shall not be bankrupt. It shall be the nation that shall be filled with prosperity because of what shall come from the earth," says the Lord!
God's about to do the most unusual things He's ever done!
Prophesied on May 22, 2009 - San Jose , California : Kim Clement
Be prepared and more importantly ,be in prayer
Russ hope the Ossman family is well. Why haven't you posted new stuff here? You probably should write something related to the Russian meteor. Also, I like the lead with David Wilkerson. I finished one of his books not too long ago and decided to read it a second time. Blessings to you and your family.